What a weekend; with temps as high as 103 in some areas, the house hitting 92 and trying to enjoy a long weekend and celebrate my birthday. Talk about some logistical challenges. 🙂
But we weathered the storm (barely) and we all made it to Tuesday. A short recap of the last few days;
After taking time on Thursday and Friday to write more text for the journal articles due in October, I finally called it quits as the heat in the house rose. Thursday as the weather grew warm, we opted for burgers so I did some searching online and came up with a recipe for homemade burger buns. Saving me a trip to the store as I was due to get Dino from “doggie day camp”. The super easy recipe had them done and ready to cool in less than 40 minutes, you can read about it here.
Friday hit warm and the house wasn’t going to be pretty but I tried to get some work done. Ended up getting drafts in, haircut for the next day and enjoying the messages, texts and Facebook posts that so many folks left me for my birthday. Getting them always helps to remind one of the power and space they take up in the lives of others. To be fair, I also posted a few of those “I can’t believe they still exist” images of me on my 5th birthday with the cake my mom made for me.
A nice surprise for the day was getting a delivery. One of the “you can’t go wrong with sending them” gifts. After Amazon gift cards they happen to be one of my favorites to receive. Thanks, Wayne and Tom! Paul also surprised me with a new knapsack – but this one has an Owl theme and is in rubber – perfect for gym and rain days.
As usual, Paul had his fun with the birthday card – – we have a long-running joke about the movie Frozen and “Let it go”, but he managed to find a new one:
That night we played it easy for dinner and tried to figure out a way to cool the house down. Saturday dawned hot again. Derailing some of our plans, so it was a lazy day until dinner that night at The Old Clam House. One of my fav places to eat ( they also own the outstanding restaurant Osso Steakhouse, another of my “can’t wait to go again places”, we went last January). After a rough start with delays for seating and some staffing issues they finally had a plan sorted out for us. Unfortunately, some people can’t hold warm weather drinking and another guest managed to knock over our post-dinner cupcakes from Noe Valley Bakery, which had been on the hostess desk waiting for the hostess to return. But the GM graciously offered to comp our desserts as an apology. They are a class act that way.
But before heading out, traditionally if I have a birthday dinner out, and it’s not hosted by me, I will try to make a little something for people to take home as a thank you for coming. Earlier that day we had been watching the chef and restaurant owner, Lidia Bastianich on tv and one of the recipes was for a Sesame Candy. It looked manageable time-wise and tasty and I happened to have everything on hand. So I knocked a batch together and wrapped them for with a simple rustic “Thank You”
- is it caramel yet?
- “add oil to the counter” this is gonna be messy isn’t it..
- Gift bags at the ready
- left over for ice cream
- Poor little cupcakes
- This is what I came for!
- for those “Fish & Chips” guys
We rounded out the weekend pretty mellow, Sunday night for Pizza as the city began to cool down and then managed to grill out for dinner again Monday night keeping it simple and easy with grilled skirt steak, broccoli before some TV and prepping for the rest of the week. Â Even found my new favorite nondairy ice cream on sale!
- and a few doggie naps