From creative cooking challenges
While not everything I want is available at the stores- I am finding some fun in coming up with ideas using what I have. Vanilla Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip “Pop Tart” wedges, was one that rose to the top. Then just because Paul is lamenting the Walking Dead “COVID-interuptus” episode last week, his got topped with ice cream and a dollop of whip cream.
And a rainy Sunday seemed like a good day for banana choc chop & peanut butter bread
Shelter games
While we settled in after already being on lockdown for several weeks. The May 1 extension for #ShelterInPlace got my crazies in play too.
I adjusted the “kitchen” with labels and containers as the new “employee lounge”. With three adults all teleworking from home, often from 7am -7pm, this is where we meet during office hours. The boys appreciated my humor…

Order up!
I even joined in the scavenger hunt and put one of the only bears I have in the window. With a little light swing to brighten him up at night.
Of course Paul managed to make Dino part of the madness. Poor Dino but he is taking it in stride and loves us home so much.
Then I discovered Tiktok!
As a fun distraction, way to connect and meet new people and mostly for general silly fun.
@frank_mentorsf #duet with @jamusic4 Taking a #StellaDora break from #Covid19 today.