Its that time of the year…
But I opted to keep this year low key for TDay. No travel, no company or open house. Just Paul, the pup and me. Have to be honest, it was pretty nice.
– Got some walks in
– Rearranged living room
– Tree up
– Saw two movies including Knives Out,
– Made one chocolate pecan pie,
– Played around with a sweet potato and pecan cake,
– Cooked an easy turkey dinner for two (on Friday) and leftovers for sandwiches and sweet potato Shepard’s pie.
– Had time with the boys
– Got some crafting organized for this years holiday gifts
– Read a bunch of books, watched some Hallmark and Scifi to keep them balanced.
– Got my vintage, homemade diorama up in one piece
– Now Monday, I starting thinking about cookies. From last years group 2018 or do I redo ones from some of my previous favorites... so many options.