One of my favorite things to be gifted with personally creative expressions from friends.
I am not talking “art” in the sense that it has to perfectly executed (although thats never a bad thing to get either and I have many professional artist friends whose work I love 😉).
But rather, art that reflects the creators unique imagination, personality, growth, spirit, feelings and emerging style. I have kept all of them over the last 30 years and always smile when each new one arrives.
Keep in mind, I define art widely, as any expressive form someone puts energy into. From handmade holiday and bday cards to sketches, music “tapes”, movies, jewelry and paintings etc.
This week, just when I needed a smile during a rough one , Mike sent me this sketch. Which is framed and up already!

Thank you Mike for thinking of me! Another one for my “Dorian Gray Collection” here at home. ❤️❤️