They had a good time with this project and it showed by the nice work they did. One of our Spring student projects. see more or visit or our class Facebook page at
Monthly Archives: May 2014
PurpleStride time again! We’re walking for Pancreatic Cancer on June 22 at Crissy Field
Last year we walked with our friend Yolanda and her husband Wes.
Since then Yolanda’s courageous 6 year journey ended and we saw her on to a new adventure. With her passing, we all were left with a space in our hearts from her touch. But come June we will be grabbing our sneakers again and walking in the‘s 5k PurpleStride here in San Francisco. We (Paul and I) set a small goal for ourselves – but would love to beat last years goal of $600.
Yolanda rarely ever stepped back from a challenge and knew the meaning of take a bite our of life with two hands! Don’t let her legacy and those of the so many others with PC be for nothing. Take part, Take a bite!
Consider donating if you can – you can to donate to our walk donate page here: Frank & Paul’s 5K Adventure or if you are up for a great day at Crissy field with a bunch of fun folks – consider joining Yolanda’s Team and walk with us.
My Students create this PSA last Spring
and this fall they went wider and did one for the South Bay too!
When the classmates stopped over this weekend
Had a chance to visit with some of the folks who are (were) in my Phd Program who graduated last weekend. Since many of them were from out of town – instead of meeting at a resturant I offered up my place.. Opted to put out lots of pick foods. Here is a quick sample of what we noshed on while dishing the process… Recipes to follow this week once grades are in, but much of it was “almost homemade” style.
- Sliced Beef with Greens
- Mango Citrus Pasta
When Turkey & Fixen’s isn’t about Thanksgiving
A few weeks ago, we got a hankering for a full out turkey dinner.. but I really didn’t want to fuss with a full turkey, brine, etc. Decided to play around with an old recipe that uses the 1/2 turkey breasts with bone in. Since my household isn’t much a dark meat one – this is perfect for when I don’t plan on making any stock or soup.
Cooking the turkey this way is quick and pretty low maintenance. After taking the breasts our of the package, I rinse and pat well to dry.
The in a small bowl I mix a stick of butter, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and fresh and dried hers. Mix well – it should have a consistency like mayonnaise. Gently raise the skin off the breast and coat, then do the same on the skin side. Give its a generous covering.
To cook – I happen to like stuffing that has the turkey drippings in it – but the breast will dry out if you check on it too often – so I put a small rack over the stuffing while it cooks – this allows the stuffing to cook and have a nice crunch top with all the drippings to blend in it too.
Cooking time will very and I find that its as easy to make two at one once (one on the stuffing and one in a second pan) the one in the second pan actually is what I use for drippings for the gravy. I usually cook mine uncovered at 375 degrees for 15 min, open the oven , remove them and baste, then lower temp to 350 or 325 for another 90 min. checking by thermometer for doneness. Thermometer should be around 165 degrees that gives you time to remove, cover and let sit while you make the gravy.
Toss on the grill some baby carrots, broccoli sprayed with olive oil cooking spray to get slight char on, maybe some baked mac & cheese you got from Tower Market and doctored up some with more cheese and a bread crumb strusssel and dinner is served in less than 2 hours.
You will have plenty for lunches !
- Rinse and pat dry
- fresh and fried herbs, butter and olive oil
- Mix well
- slather it in
- .. and on
- cook till 165 degrees