Some Black Friday Specials

I do not have affiliate agreements with any of these vendors – I just like the products. 

  • Buying coffee gift cards to help feed folks – you can see yesterdays post on how Joe Coffee Provincetown is using its gift card campaign to raise money for the local Soup Kitchen in Provincetown (SKIP) here: November 27, 2020
  • Plant is running its Black Friday sale and including free shipping for orders over $25. They are one of my fav body washes and I purchase the Wakey Wakey and Get it On pretty regularly. But also love Start Happy one.

These I also have affiliate agreements with – so for transparency, I am noting that:

  • Some of you know I am a fan of @PlexusWorldwide and use the #slim and #collagencomplex powders daily. Well, they have a preferred customer discount of 20% through Monday; use the code# GIVE2U .